These General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between CHRISTINA SAZDOVA Ltd, hereinafter referred to as "Merchant", on the one hand, and the Users of the websites and services located on the website, hereinafter referred to as "Users", on the other hand.
"CHRISTINA SAZDOVA" Ltd. is a company registered under the Commercial Law of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 207217325, address: registered office and management address: 207217325. Sofia, g.k. 413, entrance. 6, app. 18, p.k. 1715, email address, telephone 0895890003,
Please read the published Terms and Conditions in full before using the information and commercial services offered on the Site (hereinafter referred to as Services).
This document contains information about the activities of CHRISTINA SAZDOVA Ltd. and the general terms and conditions for the use of the Services provided by CHRISTINA SAZDOVA Ltd. and governs the relationship between us and each of our users.
Confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions is a necessary and mandatory condition for the conclusion of the contract between the User and the Merchant.
By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the processing of his personal data on the basis of the contract concluded between him and the Merchant.
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms are to be understood in the following sense:
Website - and all its subpages.
Consumer - any natural person who acquires goods or uses services which are not intended for carrying out a commercial or professional activity, and any natural person who, as a party to a contract under this Act, acts outside his commercial or professional activity.
Terms and Conditions - these Terms and Conditions, which include terms of use, cookies, registration and shipping rules, voluntary dispute resolution, cancellation and exchange forms and any other legally relevant information found on the Site.
Personal Data - information about an individual that reveals his or her physical, psychological, mental, family, economic, cultural or social identity.
Goods - movable tangible property, except for items sold under execution or other measures by authorities authorized by law, as well as items abandoned or confiscated for the benefit of the state, declared for sale by state authorities. Water, gas and electricity, when offered for sale, packaged in a limited volume or quantity, are also goods.
Contract of sale - a contract under which the trader transfers or undertakes to transfer ownership of goods to the consumer and the consumer pays or undertakes to pay the price for them, including contracts having as their object both goods and services.
Alternative consumer dispute resolution procedure - a procedure for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes meeting the requirements of this Act and implemented by an alternative consumer dispute resolution body.
Services provided
On the Site Users have the opportunity to conclude contracts for service, purchase and delivery of goods and services offered by the Merchant.
Users use the interface of the Website to conclude contracts with the Merchant for the goods and services offered.
2.1. The contract for the purchase of goods or services is deemed to be concluded from the moment the order is confirmed by the Merchant
2.2. In the event of unavailability of a good or inability to perform a service, the Merchant reserves the right to refuse the order.
2.3. After selecting one or more goods or services offered on the Merchant's website, the User must add the same to his list of goods or services for purchase.
2.4. It is necessary for the User to provide details for making the delivery and to choose the method and time of payment of the price, after which the User must confirm the order through the interface of the website.
2.5. When placing an order, the User receives an email confirmation that his order has been accepted.
The Merchant has the right to refuse to enter into a contract with an incorrect User.
3.1. The Merchant has the right to treat a User as incorrect in cases where:
there is a failure on the part of the User to comply with the Terms and Conditions;
unfair, arrogant or rude treatment of the Merchant's representatives;
systematic abuse by the User towards the Merchant.
The prices of the goods or services offered shall be those quoted on the Merchant's website at the time of placing an order, except in cases of obvious error.
4.1. The prices of the goods and services include VAT where it is provided for.
The Merchant reserves the right to change the prices of the goods and services offered on the Website at any time and without notice and such changes will not affect orders already placed.
The Merchant may grant discounts for the goods and services offered on the Site, in accordance with Bulgarian law and rules set by the Merchant. The rules applicable to such discounts are available where the discount is displayed. Discounts may be provided in various forms (e.g. promotions, loyalty discounts, provided individually, randomly or as a result of participation in a contest or customer survey).
6.1. Different types of discounts may not be combined when ordering and purchasing the same product/service.
Where the User returns a good or service with the right to a refund for any reason, the price subject to refund shall be reduced by the value of the discount received and applied to the good or service and only the amount actually paid shall be refundable.
The user may pay the price of the goods/services ordered using, at his/her choice, one of the options listed on the website. On the Website it is possible to pay by.
Withdrawal and replacement
The User shall have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason and without compensation or penalty within 14 days from the date of acceptance of the goods by the User or by a third party, and in the case of a service contract - from the conclusion of the service contract.
In order to exercise its right under this clause, the User must notify the Merchant unequivocally of its decision to withdraw from the contract, individualizing the goods/services it wishes to return by providing all details of the order and delivery made, including but not limited to: the content and value of the order, details of the person who made the order, details of the person who accepted the delivery and the date of delivery.
The trader shall publish on its website a form for exercising the right of withdrawal.
In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Trader shall provide the consumer with the choice of completing and submitting electronically via the website the standard withdrawal form or another unambiguous application. In such cases, the Merchant shall immediately send the consumer an acknowledgement of receipt of his/her cancellation on a durable medium.
The Consumer must return the goods at his own expense, together with the receipt and the invoice, if any, handing them over to the Merchant or to a person authorised by the latter, within 14 days of the date on which the Consumer exercised his right of withdrawal.
Upon return, the goods must be in their original packaging, without signs of use or deterioration in commercial appearance.
The trader is entitled to postpone the refund until the goods have been received back or until proof has been provided that the goods have been sent back, whichever is the earlier.
In the event that the User fails to fulfill his obligation to return the goods without notifying the Merchant of the delay and without providing a valid reason for the same, he shall be deemed to have withdrawn his statement of exercise of withdrawal from the contract.
Where the Merchant has incurred costs in connection with the performance of the contract and the Consumer withdraws from the contract, the Merchant shall be entitled to retain the relevant amount for the costs incurred or to demand payment thereof.
The User shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract if the subject matter of the contract are:
for the provision of services where the service has been fully provided and its performance has commenced with the consumer's express prior consent and acknowledgement that the consumer knows that he will lose his right of withdrawal once the contract has been fully performed by the trader.
The trader shall reimburse the consumer the price paid by him for the returned goods.
22.1. If the Consumer has made a payment under the contract by bank card and has exercised his right of withdrawal, the refund shall be made by ordering a chargeback on the card with which the payment was made within 7 working days.
Warranties and claims
The consumer has the right to claim for any non-conformity of the goods or services with the agreed/ordered when, after delivery, discrepancies with the sales contract are found.
Any non-conformity of the consumer goods with the contract of sale which becomes apparent within 6 months after delivery of the goods shall be deemed to have existed at the time of delivery, unless it is proved that the lack of conformity is due to the nature of the goods or the nature of the non-conformity.
The consumer may not contest the conformity of the consumer goods with the contract of sale where:
he knew or could not have been unaware of the non-conformity when the contract was concluded;
the non-conformity is due to materials supplied by the consumer.
The consumer has the right to claim the goods or services regardless of whether the manufacturer or trader has provided a commercial guarantee for the goods or services.
When the satisfaction of the complaint is made by replacing the goods with another, corresponding to the agreed, the trader will keep the consumer the original warranty conditions.
When making a claim, the consumer may claim a refund of the amount paid, replacement of the goods with another conforming to the agreed price or a discount on the price.
The claim shall be made verbally by telephone to the address indicated by the trader or in writing by email, post or by delivery to the address of the company. The Merchant shall make a claim form available on its website.
When submitting a claim, the consumer shall indicate the subject of the claim, his preferred method of settling the claim, the amount claimed, and the address, telephone number and email for contact.
When submitting a claim, the consumer must also attach the documents on which the claim is based, namely:
receipt or invoice;
reports, deeds or other documents establishing the non-conformity of the goods or services with what was agreed;
other documents establishing the claim in terms of the basis and amount.
A claim for consumer goods may be brought up to two years from the delivery of the goods, but not later than two months from the establishment of the non-conformity with the agreed terms. A claim for services may be brought within 14 days of the discovery of the non-conformity of the service with the agreed service.
The time limit stops running during the time it takes for the seller and the consumer to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute.
If the Seller has provided a commercial guarantee of the goods and the period of the guarantee is longer than the time limits for filing a claim under par. 1, the claim may be submitted until the expiry of the commercial guarantee.
The making of a claim shall not preclude a claim.
The trader shall keep a register of claims. A document shall be sent to the User at the email address indicated by the User, which shall indicate the number of the claim in the register and the type of goods.
When the Trader has satisfied the claim, it shall issue a certificate to that effect, which shall be drawn up in duplicate and shall provide one copy to the Consumer.
The trader shall, in the event of a justified complaint, bring the goods into conformity with the contract of sale within one month of the complaint being made by the consumer.
38.1. If the goods have not been repaired after the expiry of the period under the preceding paragraph, the Consumer shall have the right to cancel the contract and to be refunded the amount paid or to request a reduction in the price of the consumer goods pursuant to Article 114 of the Consumer Protection Act.
38.2. Bringing the consumer goods into conformity with the contract of sale shall be free of charge for the Consumer. He shall not be liable for the costs of dispatch of the consumer goods or for materials and labour related to their repair and shall not suffer any significant inconvenience.
In the event of non-conformity of the consumer goods with the contract of sale and where the Consumer is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, the Consumer has the right to choose between one of the following options:
cancellation of the contract and refund of the amount paid by him
a price reduction.
The consumer may not claim a refund or a reduction in the price of the goods where the trader agrees to replace the consumer goods with new ones or to repair the goods within one month of the consumer's complaint.
The trader shall be obliged to grant a request for cancellation of the contract and to refund the amount paid by the consumer where, after having satisfied three consumer complaints by repairing the same goods within the guarantee period, there is a subsequent occurrence of non-conformity of the goods with the contract of sale.
The consumer may not claim rescission of the contract if the non-conformity of the consumer goods with the contract is minor.
Intellectual property
The intellectual property rights in all materials and resources located on the Merchant's website (including available databases) are protected under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, belong to the Merchant or the appropriately designated person who has assigned the right of use to the Merchant, and may not be used in violation of applicable law.
In the event of copying or reproduction of information outside the permissible scope, as well as in the event of any other infringement of intellectual property rights on the Merchant's resources, the Merchant shall be entitled to claim compensation for direct and indirect damages in full.
Except where expressly agreed, the User may not reproduce, modify, delete, publish, distribute or otherwise disclose the information resources published on the Merchant's website.
The Merchant undertakes to exercise due diligence to ensure that the User is able to properly access the services provided.
The Merchant reserves the right to suspend access to the services provided. The Merchant has the right, but not the obligation, at its discretion, to delete information resources and materials published on its website.
Termination and cancellation of the contract
The Merchant shall have the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally at its own discretion, without notice, in the event that it finds that the services provided are being used in violation of these General Terms and Conditions, the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria and generally accepted moral standards.
Except in the cases provided for in these General Terms and Conditions, the contract between the parties shall also be terminated if the Merchant ceases to operate or ceases to maintain its website.
Outside of the cases mentioned above, either party may terminate this contract by giving one week's notice to the other party in the event of failure to perform its obligations under the contract.
The written form of the contract shall be deemed to have been complied with by sending a message by electronic mail (e-mail), pressing an electronic button on a content page that is filled in or selected by the User or ticking a box (check box) on the website, etc., as long as the statement is recorded technically in a way that makes it possible to reproduce it.
Saving clause
The parties declare that, in the event that any clause(s) under these Terms and Conditions should prove to be invalid, this shall not invalidate the whole or any other part of the contract. The invalid clause will be superseded by mandatory rules of law or established practice.
Modification of General Terms and Conditions
The Merchant is obliged to notify Users of any amendment to these General Terms and Conditions within 7 days of the occurrence of such circumstance to the email address provided by the User.
Where the User does not agree with amendments to the terms and conditions, the User shall have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason and without being liable to compensation or penalty. In order to exercise this right, the User must notify the Merchant within one month of receipt of the notice referred to in the preceding article.
In the event that the User does not exercise his right to withdraw from the contract in the manner set out in these General Terms and Conditions, the amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted by the User without objection
Applicable law
The provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to all matters not covered by these General Terms and Conditions.